On July 20th, Austin City Council will consider the Home Options for Middle-income Empowerment (HOME) resolution brought forward by Council Member Leslie Pool. The HOME resolution seeks to diversify Austin housing by adjusting zoning laws to support the development of missing middle housing (e.g. townhomes, triplexes, and cottage courts). This resolution will increase housing affordability, enhance our neighborhoods, and support middle-income Austinites.
How you can help
Speaking in front of City Council at the July 20th meeting is the most impactful way to help, but calls and emails are also a great way to let Council Members know how you feel. Let them know how the high cost of housing has affected you or people you know, and why you believe more diverse and affordable housing is essential for Austin’s future. You don’t need to be a policy expert—what matters most is your personal story.
Your message can start as simply as this:
“I support more affordable and diverse housing options in Austin. This is vital to foster a more inclusive, vibrant, and equitable city. The current high housing costs are unsustainable and affect our community adversely.”
Speaking at the Council Meeting
City Council will take public comments on the HOME resolution on July 20th at Austin City Hall at 10:00 AM. These are the relevant housing resolutions on the agenda:
- Item 126: The HOME resolution (minimum lot size reduction and 3 units per lot) by CM Pool
- Item 124: Resolution to lower notification requirements for rezonings by CM R. Alter
- Item 158: Ordinance to remove site plan requirements for 3 or 4 units by CM Ellis
Sign up to speak using this form:
- Select “July 20, 2023 – Regular Council Meeting”
- Respond “No” to “Are you a zoning applicant or zoning applicant’s representative?”
- Under “Regular Meeting Agenda Item Number” select 126, 124, and 158
- Stance: For
- Respond “Yes” to “Do you wish to speak?”
- Select “in-person” or “remote” (which is via phone call)
- Fill in your name and contact info
- Filling in the topic is optional
- Submit form
Calling or Emailing Council
You can get a lot of impact by directly reaching out to your own City Council member (look up your Council District).
District | Name | Phone | |
1 | Natasha Harper-Madison | 512-978-2101 | natasha.madison@austintexas.gov |
2 | Vanessa Fuentes | 512-978-2102 | vanessa.fuentes@austintexas.gov |
3 | José Velásquez | 512-978-2103 | jose.velasquez@austintexas.gov |
4 | José “Chito” Vela | 512-978-2104 | chito.vela@austintexas.gov |
5 | Ryan Alter | 512-978-2105 | ryan.alter@austintexas.gov |
6 | Mackenzie Kelly | 512-978-2106 | mackenzie.kelly@austintexas.gov |
7 | Leslie Pool | 512-978-2107 | leslie.pool@austintexas.gov |
8 | Paige Ellis | 512-978-2108 | paige.ellis@austintexas.gov |
9 | Zohaib “Zo” Qadri | 512-978-2109 | zo.qadri@austintexas.gov |
10 | Alison Alter | 512-978-2110 | alison.alter@austintexas.gov |
Mayor | Kirk Watson | 512-978-2100 | kirk.watson@austintexas.gov |
You can also send an email to all of City Council at once using this form.
Together, let’s build an Austin for everyone!